Sep 26, 2008

This is one week Im glad is over! The week started inspiring and fully motivated with WNBF comps last sunday. I helped out with the drug testing once again and front door ticket sales, By the end of the drug testing I was so PUMPED! my belly looked bigger LOL!! WOW it was fantastic competition though! friend and fellow gym member Kate Alderman took out 1st Place Novice and Ms Fit Body 2008 and it was her first time on stage AMAZING! she had me fooled because I hadnt seen her for a few months right up until stage and my draw dropped! She naturally has a lean lanky figure but the muscle she had increased on her body was amazing! and great spread of it too symetry was truely remarkable! She had previously taken out Ms Whyalla Ms Fit Body as well the previous week! What a start to her competing career, I believe we'll be seeing alot more of Miss Kate!
Past training partner and great friend Vivienne Krstic AGAIN took out 1st place Open Ms Fit Body and Overall Masters! That chick has a body that cant be reckoned with in S.A I tell ya! She'll be competing in the INBA as well.

Then is was the long dreaded working week (well it felt like it!) till my exam on Wednesday night. Ive never studied so much in my life! But its over THANK GOODNESS. I get the results back next Wednesday, I reckon I did alright, but its never the questions you want them to ask you is it>? its always the ones you semi-studied for! thinking they'll definitly ask you the ones you studied hard for. I dont care of my result is as long as I past! I was so over it by Tuesday! I havent had a life because it all consumed of sleep/work/study/sleep for 3weeks it was like this! Thursday morning I was sooo tired and felt like a train had hit me along with a sore throat...mmm yes I think Im a little run down....time to rest!


Guys im sorry about the delay in photos but my computer at home is not responding. So I found some photos at work! Thought id put them up for abit of fun ; )

This is my best friends little boy Sabastian, and were very much in love with eachother, this was taken last christmas.

Jellybean update 20 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations!

You've hit the halfway mark in your pregnancy. By now you can probably feel your baby move around. Enjoy it — those butterfly flutters are one of the true joys of pregnancy. She's also giving her new digestive system a little practice by swallowing amniotic fluid, from which she absorbs nutrients and water. The unabsorbed matter continues into her bowel where it concentrates into meconium, the greenish black or light brown substance she'll pass the first few days after she's born.


Andrea said...

Hi Jaime-Lee,

They are some nice pics you've got there.

I know what you mean that by the end of the week things start to drag a little bit. I am making the most of the section I am in at work at the moment because it allows me a bit of rest. But I am moving to a much busier section from the week after next for about two months so that will be interesting.

At the moment I work full time and I am just wrapping up my masters in Public Health degree - I am currently doing my final two subjects so I only have two assignments to go which is really good timing. I'll be finished by the end of October.

I'm planning on working until around 37 weeks - but I will see how I am going at that point.


Cheryl D said...

So glad your exam is done and dusted! Now you can enjoy some much deserved rest time.. Speaking of rest time.. BRUNCH! I think I will organise it for the week after Kerry gets back from Nationals.. yum yum yum

Bug's Mumma said...

aw thanks honey! love you! xox