Sep 26, 2008

This is one week Im glad is over! The week started inspiring and fully motivated with WNBF comps last sunday. I helped out with the drug testing once again and front door ticket sales, By the end of the drug testing I was so PUMPED! my belly looked bigger LOL!! WOW it was fantastic competition though! friend and fellow gym member Kate Alderman took out 1st Place Novice and Ms Fit Body 2008 and it was her first time on stage AMAZING! she had me fooled because I hadnt seen her for a few months right up until stage and my draw dropped! She naturally has a lean lanky figure but the muscle she had increased on her body was amazing! and great spread of it too symetry was truely remarkable! She had previously taken out Ms Whyalla Ms Fit Body as well the previous week! What a start to her competing career, I believe we'll be seeing alot more of Miss Kate!
Past training partner and great friend Vivienne Krstic AGAIN took out 1st place Open Ms Fit Body and Overall Masters! That chick has a body that cant be reckoned with in S.A I tell ya! She'll be competing in the INBA as well.

Then is was the long dreaded working week (well it felt like it!) till my exam on Wednesday night. Ive never studied so much in my life! But its over THANK GOODNESS. I get the results back next Wednesday, I reckon I did alright, but its never the questions you want them to ask you is it>? its always the ones you semi-studied for! thinking they'll definitly ask you the ones you studied hard for. I dont care of my result is as long as I past! I was so over it by Tuesday! I havent had a life because it all consumed of sleep/work/study/sleep for 3weeks it was like this! Thursday morning I was sooo tired and felt like a train had hit me along with a sore throat...mmm yes I think Im a little run down....time to rest!


Guys im sorry about the delay in photos but my computer at home is not responding. So I found some photos at work! Thought id put them up for abit of fun ; )

This is my best friends little boy Sabastian, and were very much in love with eachother, this was taken last christmas.

Jellybean update 20 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations!

You've hit the halfway mark in your pregnancy. By now you can probably feel your baby move around. Enjoy it — those butterfly flutters are one of the true joys of pregnancy. She's also giving her new digestive system a little practice by swallowing amniotic fluid, from which she absorbs nutrients and water. The unabsorbed matter continues into her bowel where it concentrates into meconium, the greenish black or light brown substance she'll pass the first few days after she's born.

Sep 17, 2008

Baby Jellybean update..
Your baby is twice as big as he was last month, but he still weighs only about 225 grams. Meanwhile, most of the weight you've gained is from amniotic fluid, placenta and water retention. Although things may seem calm on the surface, your little one is kicking, flexing, reaching, rolling, and even sucking his thumb now. If you haven't felt him move yet, you will in the next few weeks. His hearing is now functioning and he will be listening to your heartbeat.

I have exam next wednesday and its doing my head in! been flat out studying and trying to make it all sink in to this pregnancy head! mmmmm il get there!

Sep 16, 2008

The weather here has been crazy. Just on the way into work I drove through 4 seasons! I left home and the sun was shining, my bunnies were ping ponging around the front there so cute. Got half way down the main road and had to put my car heater on, near the city it was blowing a gale, got to work it was raining!!! WHAT THE? crazy!
mmmmm trying to post pics but not letting me...coming up blank...anyone know?
I have the WNBF this weekend, I am on the committee so il be helping out for the day CANT WAIT! The lovely Vivienne Kristic will be competing along with Hayzer Cayli. So hopefully Il have some photos up for you on Tuesday? if i can work this out!

Drink 3lts of water
Study Anatomy
Eat vegies tonight for dinner!
Walk tonight when I get home

Second trimester You need to take more caution due to your loose joints. Also, your slowly expanding girth is now affecting your sense of balance. Remember to sink into yoga positions slowly and carefully to avoid injury. Take your time if you have to, and don't overdo it. If you can't breathe smoothly, you're going a little too far.

Sep 15, 2008

For my competing friends

"When your vision is powerful enough, everything else falls into place: how you live your life, your workouts, what friends you choose, how you eat, what you do for fun. Vision is purpose and when your purpose is clear so are your life choices. Vision creates faith and faith creates willpower. With faith, there is no anxiety- just absolute confidence."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger

Sep 12, 2008

What a beautiful Sunny day it is here in Adelaide! great start to the weekend of study ; ( I might have to study out the front on the grass with my rabbits...mmmm that sounds awesome I could do that!

Ive felt baby kick over the last 2 days and its amazing, I feel like ive got an alien inside of me! but such a reassuring feeling that 'Yes Jaime you are pregnant and everythings healthy'. I have my Morphology scan next thursday...cant wait! This is where they check babies vital organs and placenta to see if everything is growing right. And you can find out the sex but Adam and I have decided not to know untill Jellybean comes out.....we love suprises!

Im studying my Cert 4 in Fitness at TAFE, il be finished in December. The plan of attack is that next year I will be taking a year off with baby and starting my Fitness career. Il be starting off with picking back up my classes and doing a few PT sessions on the side. Im sooo looking forward to it...eventually Il be back in the industry and helping out competitors with my own forms of training and nutrition.

Its comp season so I have enough to keep me pumped....especially with bloggers that are competing! I love this sport...have I said that already? I DO I DO!


* Study Anatomy exam on 24th Sept
* Weekend of walking
* Monday night Bodybalance class

How Jellybeans growing
This week, you officially begin your fifth month of pregnancy. Your baby may have reached 15 cm from crown to rump by now, and he can both feel and hear. Admittedly at the moment, all he can hear is your heartbeat and the flow of your digestive system but soon he'll be able to detect noise outside the womb and identify your voice.

Sep 10, 2008

The last 2years have been so busy, turbulent, distressing, wonderful and scary all at the same time. Ive had a rough 2years starting with Glandular fever, not knowing with 10wks till competition (not the best time in my life!) pulled out and then found out my father has Cancer, which still has but now controlled. Hitting rock bottom and placing 10 kilo's back on in a matter of months, then loosing my job due to my sickness which led to depression. Life slowly went back to normal, but still battled food issues. In Dec 2007 my husband and I travelled to the Northern Territory for xmas and new years not knowing no one, arriving home after 2months of time out from everything and everyone ......yes life resumed back into reality.
BUT there is a happening beginning (I wont say End cause thats far from near)
I am 18weeks pregnant, due on Feb 11th 2009....very blessed! I have had a gracious pregnancy, apart from morning sickness and tiredness as every pregnant woman experiences. I cant wait to have 2009 off and kick start my Group fitness and personal training career, starting with the post pregnancy body BOOTCAMP! 2009 will be my year to shine as a full time mum. I hope to inspire all those mothers out there to get their booties into will be fun, trying and definitly motivating... I PROMISE!
I have been a group fitness instructor in the pass and loved every minute of it. I have competed in the past and have close friend who is an Olympian Vivienne Kristic. Im always floating around competitons, on the WNBF committee in SA and motivating friends who compete. I LOVE THIS SPORT. But in saying that you wont see me on stage anytime soon, priorities are motherhood and career in industry.
So its good to be back on blog! I have met and travelled with some great friends on blogger and I do miss you all dearly!

Back soon x x